• Today we're featuring the Happy Homebodies skoolie - a bus conversion with a roof raise, open floor plan and serious style! | Since We Woke Up | sincewewokeup.com
    Feature Friday

    Skoolie Feature Friday: Happy Homebodies

    Welcome to the first edition of Feature Friday – featuring the Happy Homebodies skoolie! When we first started dreaming about converting Oliver into the tiny home of our dreams, like most people starting a project, we flocked to Instagram and…

  • Here are six places to visit during your Montana trip that will allow you to experience every one of its diverse landscapes and offerings. | Since We Woke Up | sincewewokeup.com
    Bus Travel

    6 Places to See on Your Montana Trip

    Montana offers one of the most varied landscapes within the lower 48. The fourth-largest state in the US offers breathtaking views of the Rocky Mountains, an abundant supply of rivers and lakes, and peaceful prairie landscapes. Here are six places…

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