The AFG Fireball from Quora Distribution: A Review
Today we’re reviewing the AFG Fireball by Quora Distribution, a fire extinguishing system that we firmly believe every home should have. Now full disclosure, we were sent the Fireballs we tested for free. However, after learning about their product, we…
Skoolie Feature Friday: Painted Buffalo Traveling Studio
Today’s Feature Friday – Painted Buffalo Traveling Studio! People often assume (albeit, correctly) that you have to be a bit touched in the head to break away from societal norms and move your entire life into a retired school bus.…
How We Installed Faux Wall Panels on Our Skoolie’s Front Windows
Today we’re doing a tutorial on a question we get asked a lot – how did you make faux wall panels over your front windows? Insulating a bus is a must if you want to comfortably live in it. However,…