Skoolie Life: Our Most Unflattering Moments
Pinterest and Instagram have a way of romanticizing things, skoolie life included. We love Oliver (our skoolie) and the life that we’ve built with and around him, but we also want to make sure we’re being transparent about the “other…
Soulful Bus Life: Skoolie Feature Friday
Today’s Feature Friday – Soulful Bus Life! This week’s featured skoolie is a bit different from any we’ve featured before. Adam and Rachel, the people responsible for @soulfulbuslife, share their tiny home with a veritable zoo of animals – fitting…
Hanzian Bus: Skoolie Feature Friday
Today’s Feature Friday is the Hanzian Bus! The @hanzian_bus account features a traveling family of three (soon to be four!) traveling around the US in their converted skoolie. And this bus stands out from the crowd, for a variety of…